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20:20 Vision: The Future of Education

Thursday evening, the 6th April, saw Meinhardt Australia kick off the first 20:20 Vision evening networking session for 2017.

This event’s focus was on the Education Sector. We invited five industry leaders to present on any topic related to building, construction, technology and/or teaching innovations across Primary, Secondary and Tertiary education. The broad brief resulted in five diverse and compelling approaches to the challenges educators and designers are seeing today.

Throwing something extra into the mix, we asked our speakers to follow the PechaKucha presentation style. 20 slides, on a strict 20 second per slide timeline made the presentations fast-paced, image focused and concise. How do you condense a 15-year career into a sub-7-minute speech? With a style and flair that seemed to come effortlessly from our passionate experts.

Peter Brown opened the evening with a compelling introduction to the future of education. At Baldasso Cortese the future can be found in the micro: the classroom. Peter moved through a series of slides that juxtaposed the traditional ‘needs’ of a classroom with captivating visuals of bright, flexible and innovative learning spaces.

From micro to macro, Long Nguyen presented the University of Melbourne’s strategy to unlock new teaching, employment and investment opportunities locally and across Australia. A unique qualitative framework underpins a local infrastructure and student integration plan that aims to solidify UoM’s position as a global education leader.

As the constraints of the classroom are loosening and the physical needs of students and society are being responded to, so are the concepts around where and how we can learn. H20 Architects director Mark O’Dwyer presented this concept with an emphasis on diversity and collaboration through a series of case studies that clearly demonstrate the powerful potential of the built environment in the education sector.

Technology and the environment were not forgotten. We were blown away by the achievements of the Sustainable Urban Precincts Program facilitated by Murray Walls at RMIT. In partnership with the Australian Technology Network of Universities, Murray outlined the extensive campus-wide initiatives put in place for RMIT to be well and truly on track to hit their emission reduction goals.

We concluded with a spotlight on the present. DWP’s John Schout gave an insightful overview of the conceptual development setting the foundation for the evolving multi-level school typology. The concept developed with the NSW Department of Education highlights flexibility, access and the appreciation of the needs of learners at different stages.

Following the presentations, an informal discussion built on some of the themes touched on in the talks. The overall message was one of evolution and growth, echoing the consensus in the room that these designers, developers and educators are ready to propel the Australian education sector into a strong future.

The night was an overwhelming success and we sincerely thank all those who attended and participated.

We are looking forward to our next event: 20:20 Health and Aged Care.

If you would like to be involved and/or notified when tickets are released please email: jess.fitzpatrick(@)